E. + E. Boss GmbH
werkzeuge ■ maschinen ■ werkstatteinrichtungen
tools ■ machinery ■ workshop equipment


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Name of Client (Donor)
Project Country
Project Description
Ethiopian Ministry
of Education (KfW)
Ethiopa, FDR
Supply of metal engineering workshops and training equipment to eight vocational training centers all over Ethiopia;
Provision of teacher training courses;
Ethiopian Ministry
of Education (KfW)
Ethiopa, FDR
Supply, delivery and installation of automotive workshops and training equipment to eight vocational training centers all over Ethiopia; Provision of teacher training courses;
Sri Lanka Ministry of
Skill Development and Vocational   Training (KfW)
Sri Lanka, DSR
Supply of electrical, mechanical, and automotive training equip-ment to eight vocational institutes in the country;
Afghan Ministry of
Education / DM-TVET
Afghanistan, IR
Supply, delivery and installation of mechanical workshops, carpentry workshops and automotive workshops to different training centres in Afghanistan; Provision of teacher training courses;
Ethiopian Ministry 
of Education (KfW)
Ethiopa, FDR
Supply, delivery and installation of metalworking workshops, material testing equipment, technical drawing, surveying and methodic didactic equipment;
Lao Ministry of
Education and
Sports (KfW)
Laos, PDR
Supply, delivery and installation of agricultural equipment and machinery, equipment for electric installation and mechanic equipment for automotive repair;
Lao Ministry of
Education and
Sports (ADB)
Laos, PDR
Supply, delivery and installation of automotive and welding equipment for seven automotive workshops for professional education all over Laos; Provision of training courses;
Lao Ministry of
Education and
Sports (KfW)
Laos, PDR
Supply, delivery and installation of agricultural training equipment,  automotive training equipment, electrical training equipment, mechanical engineering equipment, welding equipment and IT equipment for different professional training centers all over Laos.
Ethiopian Ministry
of Finance
Ethiopa, FDR
Supply, commissioning and installation of industrial kitchen equipment and food processing equipment
Laos, PDR
Supply and delivry of hand tools, power tools, measuring and testing equipment and furniture;
The Delegation of the
EC to Serbia, Ministry
of Justice (EU)
Serbia, Republic
Supply, delivery, installation and training of woodworking machines and tools and metalworking machines and tools for prisions in Serbia;
Ethiopian Ministry 
of Education (Ethiopia)
Ethiopa, FDR
Supply, delivery, installation and training of mechanical engineering and civil engineering equipment to 11 universities throughout Ethiopia;
Ethiopian Ministry 
of Education (KfW)
Ethiopa, FDR
Supply, delivery and installation of electrical and IT equipment;
Technical Education and
Vocational Training Cor-poration Riyahd (GIZ)
Saudi Arabia
Supply, delivery, installation and training of of tools, cut-away models, and welding exhaust cabins;
Ethiopian Ministry 
of Education (KfW)
Ethiopa, FDR
Supply, delivery and installation of IT equipment and books for Ethio-China Polytechnic College;
Lao Ministry of 
Education and 
Sports (KfW)
Laos, PDR
Supply and delivery of didactic teaching and IT equipment for different vocational training schools in Laos;
BacKan Department
of Labor (LuxDev)
Vietnam, SR
Supply, delivery, installation and training of machines and tools
- welding, machining, plumbing, forging, electricity equipment - for different vocational training departments;
Ethiopian Ministry 
of Education (KfW)
Ethiopa, FDR
Supply, delivery, installation and training of machines, tools, and didactic training equipment for metal, carpentry and automotive workshops  throughout Ethiopia;